Lab & Radiology Pre-Certifications
Experienced Assistance For Complex Pre-Cert Needs
Time Is Money — Is Yours Being Wasted?
Relying on an overworked administrative assistant to handle every prior authorization request doesn’t just slow down the process, it can also cost your facility. After all, even if you do have someone handling pre-cert requests, they only have so many hours in a day to handle every aspect of their job. At AuthNet, we offer experienced, expedient insurance pre-cert services to help save your facility time and money, not just hassle.

A Few Important Facts About Insurance Prior Authorizations:
The median spending on pre-certs by a primary care practice is $47,707 per full-time physician.
Labor costs can range from $35 to $100 per pre-cert when physicians take the time to fax or call in a request.
During 2017, electronic prior authorization requests accounted for only 8 percent of submissions.
Electronic pre-cert submissions could save the healthcare industry $7.5 billion a year — or more!
Prior-authorization request submissions consume approximately
853 hours of staff time a year (includes physician, nurse, and clerical staff time).
Pre-cert requests are responsible for 92 percent of care delays, including treatment abandonment.
Prior-auth request delays result in around 853 wasted hours of staff time each year.

Labs & Radiology

Labs & Radiology
As coding complexities and payer requirements for obtaining pre-certification approvals come under increasing scrutiny, labs and radiology facilities are finding both their revenue cycle performance and staff bogged down in the PA process.

The task remains heavily manual and often disjointed, gobbling up time from administrative and billing personnel, threatening the ability to return results on specimens and scans, impeding patient access to critical care. All of this ultimately slows payment cycles and creates untold efforts to either fight initial denials or chase receivables.
With AuthNet, labs and radiology centers have a flexible, responsive partner who can streamline PA workflows, speed decision turnaround times, simplify the patient’s care delivery process.
Available as both a full outsource or supplemental service to your existing staff, AuthNet has you covered:
- Standard, Genetic and Molecular Lab Orders
- Radiology, Ultrasound Scans, and More
Ditch the prior-auth headache. Contact AuthNet to request a FREE ROI ANALYSIS and to learn more about our services.
No patient wants to sit around for hours, waiting on approval for testing they thought had already been approved by their insurance provider. To be fair, we imagine most of your medical staff don’t want to have to wait around for that either. Something as seemingly simple as needing to wait for blood work can be enough to send a patient angrily storming out the front door or railing about your customer care in an online review. Save your team from those unpleasant circumstances and provide better patient care with a dedicated insurance precertification service.
At AuthNet, we provide software and trained precertification specialists to chase down every authorization and help streamline the insurance approval process — something that will help both your business and each patient’s experience. Each time a requested lab order or test hasn’t been approved, your lab will feel the repercussions from multiple directions. It not only affects patient experience, and potentially a patient’s overall care, but it can also slow down billing and affect your cash flow.
How We Help
We recognize that many labs and radiology centers don’t have a dedicated insurance preauthorization team or have to share a small handful of precertification specialists with the rest of a hospital/health system. The precert process is still largely a hands-on, manual one, which is why a small, shared precert department means slower turnaround times. At AuthNet, our combination of software and prior authorization specialists means faster turnaround, an improved workflow, and fewer hassles with billing. We even offer the flexibility to handle all of your precertification needs, or to supplement your existing staff.
Our Prior Authorization Process
The way it works is straightforward — we want to improve your precert processes, after all. To initiate an insurance precertification request, start by entering the patient’s demographic details, diagnosis, and requested lab tests or scans in our secure portal. Once we get the information, the AuthNet team will take over. A prior authorization specialist will begin the approval process and follow it through to completion. We will follow up if additional information is needed and notify you if the insurance provider needs to speak with a technician or physician. Fewer requests will fall through the cracks and your patients can get the precerts they need before showing up for testing.
Learn more about our software and process. Connect with the AuthNet team for a demo!